Cauliflower and folk remedies to treat hepatitis B

The prickly pear is a precious herbal medicine that has been recognized by Traditional Medicine for its effects on stabilizing liver cells and enhancing the function of the Liver. Today, modern medicine has researched and proven that prickly pear has valuable active ingredients for the liver. In particular, this medicine has a very good support in the treatment of hepatitis B, let’s learn more about this medicinal plant.

Cabbage (CGL) is one of the few medicinal herbs with good effects for patients with hepatitis B (The plant is particularly noted for its effectiveness in supporting the treatment of hepatitis B due to its presence in the liver. contains very strong anti-hepatitis B virus active substances.Experience shows that after only 6 to 8 months of continuous use of hemp juice, the disease turns negative).

According to statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), about 20% of the Vietnamese population is infected with hepatitis B, an alarming number. Finding the hemp plant is of great concern, contributing to limiting the spread and development of this disease. Currently, many patients with hepatitis B have completely switched to using prickly pear due to the effectiveness and economy of this medicine.

You can use dry CGL to drink daily or use functional foods extracted from hemp plant. Here are some notes when using this medicine.

Parts used

Roots, twigs and whole fruits, collected all year round, washed, chopped, dried or dried. Sometimes used fresh.

How to prepare and harvest
CGL grows naturally on hillsides and streams. The tree thrives from February to November every year.
The plant is harvested year-round for medicinal use.
The tree flowers in August and bears fruit in October every year
The simplest way to process the prickly pear is to cut it short and dry it, then star it.

Passion fruit juice has a dark brown color, delicious taste, very pleasant to drink, can be used as a substitute for daily tea.

Chemical composition
The roots contain starch and many other chemicals such as alkaloids, glycoalkaloids, etc. have the ability to protect liver cells very well, inhibit and make hepatitis virus negative, prevent cirrhosis, and are used to treat liver diseases. liver disease.
* Uses of prickly pear

According to folk experience, prickly pear is particularly effective in treating liver diseases. In the past, there were not many drugs like now, when suffering from liver diseases such as: yellowing of the skin, yellow eyes, boils, rashes, people often take the CGL tree to drink water daily to treat the disease. Below we would like to list some of the valuable benefits of hemp plant as follows:

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