15 precious medicinal plants commonly used to treat diseases

Since ancient times, Vietnamese people have known to use medicinal plants to treat diseases, including many rare and precious species that need to be preserved. Below is a list of medicinal plants with good effects, often used in medicine.

Ngoc Linh Ginseng – A rare and precious medicinal plant of Vietnam

Ngoc Linh ginseng is one of the 5 most special types of ginseng in the world. This ginseng was discovered in 1973 by pharmacist Dao Kim Long. Used in many remedies, so many people look for Ngoc Linh Ginseng. However, this tree grows very slowly, so after many years of exploitation, it is almost exhausted in the wild.

Description:   Ngoc Linh ginseng often grows in the central part of our country. Ginseng leaves are propeller-shaped, with serrated teeth. The tree has 1 cluster of bright red flowers growing under the canopy.

Calculation of taste and function:  According to Oriental medicine, this plant has a bitter taste, not exclusively attributed to the heart and kidneys.

Uses:   People often take the root of Ngoc Linh Ginseng as medicine mainly. This precious medicinal herb is used to:

Support treatment for cases of weakened immune system, ailing body.
Support cancer treatment and prevention of cancer diseases.
Used for the elderly to increase health, anti-aging, add longevity.
For liver disease: Prevent cirrhosis, improve liver function and detoxify the liver.
For cardiovascular disease: Regulate the activity of the cardiovascular system. Help create more red blood cells, prevent anemia, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis …
People who are often stressed using Ginseng Ngoc Linh can clear the brain. This helps the patient to get rid of anxiety and depression.
Ngoc Linh ginseng also has the ability to improve hormones, cure physiological diseases.
Treatment of pharyngitis and respiratory diseases.
Contains natural antibiotics that have anti-diabetic effects.
Ginseng areca – A precious medicine in Eastern medicine

Ginseng areca tree, also known as Ngai Cau or Tien Mao, grows in the mountains and forests of the North of our country. Currently, this plant is still found in provinces such as Lao Cai, Dien Bien…

Description:  The plant has green leaves and yellow flowers. Ginseng areca black has black roots, red ginseng roots are red.

Taste and function:  Has a warm, slightly spicy taste, it has the effect of tonic kidney, strong tendons and bones, moderate gas, dispersed into the kidney meridians.

Uses:   People often use the root part of the ginseng plant to make medicine. This medicinal plant is effective in the treatment of diseases:

About male physiology: Physiological weakness, impotence, gonorrhea, cold semen, increased spermatogenesis and sexual ability.
Female physiological diseases: Cold uterus, menstrual regulation.
Strengthen tendons, treat joint pain.
Other uses: Anti-aging, treating itchy skin inflammation, asthma and strengthening the immune system.
Jade crane – Precious medicinal plant

This plant is also known as mountain jade tuber, jade crane mushroom, earth flower, ringworm, etc. There are 20 species of Jade Crane growing in the mountains of Asia, of which two are listed in the Vietnam Red Book.


Description:  Ngoc Cau is a perennial parasite on wide-spreading woody trees. This plant has a pyramidal stem that protrudes out like a mushroom, so it is called a mushroom. The flesh of the plant can be yellow or purple, red depending on the type.

Taste and function:   The stem is mild, slightly acrid after sweet.

Uses:   People use this plant to treat many diseases such as:

Male physiological diseases: Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, impotence, spermatogenesis, physiological weakness … Some places also use jade crane mushroom as an aphrodisiac.
Pain and fatigue in the skeletal system, especially in the joints of fingers and feet.
Brain diseases such as sedation, the ability of the brain to store information …
In addition, this plant is also used to make tonics, stimulate appetite, use for postpartum women, sick people …
Precious medicinal plants: Hoang Lien chicken feet

This plant grows a lot in the North of our country and is an endangered herb. The older the Hoang Lien chicken feet, the higher the value. In the remedies, people also use other names to refer to this medicine such as: Vuong Lien, Chi Lien, Nha Lien. Crossroads Europe…

Description:  It is a tree with a pile of roots about 30cm high, shaped like a chicken’s foot. The leaves are alternate, and the flowers and ripe fruits are yellow. The inside of the stem and roots are also yellow.

Calculation of taste and function:  According to Oriental medicine, Hoang Lien chicken feet has a bitter taste, coldness is used to clear heat, detoxify, and lower apples.

Uses:   People use the root of the plant to treat the following diseases:

Diseases caused by viruses and bacteria: Mouth sores, red eyes, eye styes, allergic dermatitis, boils, sore throat…
Mental illnesses such as depression, stress, help patients sedated.
Reduce complications caused by diabetes and blood pressure…
In addition, this medicinal plant also has the effect of detoxification, thirst, dizziness, abdominal pain …
Three halves – A precious medicinal plant that treats many diseases

Three halves also have other names such as Thao Tay Cay, Say Cay, Golden Bud, Kien Kien… This is a short-term medicinal plant, but it is still likely to become extinct due to overexploitation.


Description: The tree usually grows in a bush, creeping form, green leaves, fruit in the interstitium. The tubers are yellow, not straight, but have many knots.

Calculation of taste and function: kíchThree halves have a sweet and spicy taste, quite mild in nature, attributed to the kidney to help eliminate rheumatism, strengthen tendons, and nourish the kidney…


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